Ornua Ingredientes will be renovating its logistics facilities in Spain

21 Jan 2020

The main goals of this company, Ornua Ingredientes, were to expand production and handle the jump in demand. The Spanish cheese and dairy preparations manufacturer has renovated its logistics facilities in Ávila with the semi-automatic Pallet Shuttle system.

Pallet Shuttle System at Ornua Ingredientes logistics facilities

The seven high-density blocks measure between 9 and 13.5 m in height, and each channel can accommodate up to a maximum of 11 pallets. In total, Ornua Ingredientes has storage capacity for 4,756 pallets, with a maximum unit weight of 1,000 kg. The Pallet Shuttle automatically inserts and removes the pallets from their respective locations.

Ornua Ingredientes is a renowned supplier of cheese and dairy products to retailers and fast food restaurants. The modernisation of its production plant in Ávila (Spain) required an investment of €30 million. As a result, the company has significantly increased production of cheese for pizzas (up to 35,000 tonnes).